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azgın ergen milf Hello everyone friends, the story we are going to tell, so the confession is real and belongs to us. We live in Germany, I’m 45, my daughter is 22.Let’s say I broke up with my wife or she left me, my daughter made a short marriage, broke up, we live together, my wife chose to stay with me because she found someone else and got married, that was the best thing for her financially and other issues.I have a restaurant in Germany, I’m interested in my own name, we live in our own house with my daughter, I’m getting into the subject that I won’t take too long.After I Decoupled from my wife, I had one-night stands on weekends, I had no thoughts at home with my daughters, I had no thoughts about sex, I come to her sometimes, it helps more financially i used to provide comfort, he had a very comfortable life, he dressed a little openly, he dressed very comfortably at home, he started to attract my attention, he wanted to spend time together.Sometimes he goes for fun where he wants, men’s eyes are always on him, and I’m starting to like him.I was alone at home, I went to his room, I found a vibrator and a lubricant tile under the clothes while rummaging through his closet to do some checking, and then his thongs and bras impressed me, and after that, his desire for sex against my daughter increased.
I started getting close that day, I felt sorry for the sex issues and it wasn’t uncomfortable.One day I went to bed early, got up at night, looked through the keyhole of the door to the bathroom, was watching porn, cirilciplak was sucking himself, I could hardly hold myself, when I saw his cirilciplak body, his desire for sex made me more horny, I emptied my dick, which was like a stone, in the toilet, I slept, got up in the morning, had breakfast, went to the store, my eye was on my daughter, we always turned it over to the workers until the evening, Saturday evening, I got home vodka beer alcohol, bought some appetizers and we went, he would drink occasionally, we had a nice table Decked out with me, we had a conversation the topic of sex came into our life alone, who is with me, so after that, I said that I was alone, but if you take care of yourself, I said that someone you seriously think about should come, girl.No, dad, I’m not thinking about marriage right now, I said I want to marry a man like you, I was surprised, we exchanged mutual confidences, our daughter was under the influence of alcohol, she went to her room, she said I’m coming, I was excited, she sat next to me in a black nightgown, her white skin continued the conversation, it was 3 a.m. she went to her room, she said goodnight, I stopped for another 1 hour, went out to the balcony while smoking my cigarette, the desire to go to his room and fuck him increased, I couldn’t help myself, I went inside, I went to his room, I slowly entered, he slept, his nightgown faded, his white legs felt like fire, he had a little oxadim, I slowly got excited, oz confidence came to me, I put my dick on his legs, he wasn’t making a sound, suddenly the sheep froze, his legs hurt, he drove me crazy, I’m completely asleep i thought he was sucking his buttocks and sucking his pussy on tannhan, i was putting my dick on his legs, ami watered
he was moving his ass slightly, enjoying it, and he was awake, I sweated a little, I never pulled my hand out, anyway, now I said, I pulled out his thong, Decked out his legs a little more acti slightly lifted his hip, his eyes were still closed, I started to put my dick on amina gotune, he started to suck his amina with his hand, and occasionally he was sucking my dick, I couldn’t stand it much and slowly entered his ami, juicy sicack and dardi enjoyed my daughter his moans were coming, I started pumping, it lasted for 3-4 minutes, just as I was emptying, I came out, exploded on his chest, we both gasped, I immediately got up and went to the shower to go i went to my room half an hour later, my daughter entered the shower, stayed for 15 minutes, came out, went to her room, fell asleep while I was thinking about what happened.In the morning, my daughter woke up to the sound of breakfast ready, come on, dad, I got up, washed my face, it was a nice Sunday breakfast table, I couldn’t look at the first face, but the room was very clearly dressed and it was very generic, it comforted me a little, we had breakfast, we talked about the weather, how did you sleep well at night, she said yes, I asked in a small voice, I asked you, when sex happened, a super sleep, she said, my face is bad he was looking at me with a smile, I wanted it to be that way i wanted to while trying to shake under the influence of alcohol or something, but he said it was very nice and short, he came to me, opened his legs and sat on my lap, didn’t you still understand, I want sex with you, but I was afraid, I always wanted to turn you on, and he said, I went into my room, I took him to the bedroom, threw him on the bed, we were making love like crazy, ciril stayed naked first, I licked between his legs, and then he licked mine she started licking and licking so beautifully that day she was at home in nose positions with my cyclical wife for 20 years in my married life i’ve never had anal sex, but my daughter is doing great, we still have a long sex life, we’re both happy with our lives, we do it everywhere in the car at home.the pictures we share belong to us

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